Q2 CSAT Survey Follow Up

Hello KWPR,

In our last blog post we shared the data we received from our recent CSAT survey and outlined several key areas we’d begin working on. During today’s post we’ll share several updates on our progress.


Communication was one of the categories with the largest percentage of feedback. The first step in addressing office communication is discussing our current communication channels. Specifically, our emails. To date our Daily Email has an open rate of 48.7%, well above the industry average of 32%. This tells us that almost half of you are opening it on a daily basis, a statistic we are pleased with. With that said, the daily email has begun to play a role it was never meant to in communicating important announcements or updates. The Daily Email was designed to clearly communicate daily events and a brief look ahead at our calendar. It was never meant to become a place for announcements or updates about the office. Beginning next week we will be rolling out a complete overhaul in our Daily Email. It will be streamlined to clearly reflect the day’s events and showcase a few upcoming events. Based on our open rate and click rate with the new format, adjustments will be made accordingly.

Advanced Training & Development:

We’ve hit the ground running with completing the next 6 months of our training calendar. We’re excited to share 4 opportunities for our top producers.

Six Personal Perspectives w/ Caren Fried - 7/24

Creating Your Power as a Leader w/ Michelle Simms (founder of Terramor Homes) - 9/25

Local Economic Forecast w/ Michael Walden (NCSU Economist) - 9/12 & 1/9

Thank you all for your time in reading this new blog post and for your patience as we work through the next two months of action items. Have a great day!


Q2 CSAT Survey Follow Up - August


Q2 Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Survey